, dev
Release All the Things!
It’s been a while since I last coded anything and it’s been itching me ever since. So I paused whatever I was up to and got back onto coding a few things here and there.
does not represent the time spent working on these libraries
Despite the small size of these 4 libraries, I’ve put a lot of efforts into trying to release quality products by designing the code to the higher standard permitted by my—humble—knowledge, but also by covering most of the code with tests, polishing the documentations as much as I possibly could, and even providing benchmarks where it made sense. And for once, I’m quite happy with the results!
The libraries that I have entirely rewritten are Gorilla, a convenient approach to monkey patching, and Bana, a set of extensions for Autodesk Maya’s Python API.
As for the the new ones, there is Revl, which helps to benchmark code for Autodesk Maya, and Nani, an alternative approach to defining and viewing NumPy’s arrays.
It’s been a great exercise to improve my skills in designing, building, and shipping libraries, and I hope that these projects will also serve as good examples to others or simply be useful at all.
More should be coming soon but for now... get them all!